Sonic Odyssey - Ring Lottery Guide

Join the Sonic Odyssey Ring Lottery to experience the thrill of winning rings, with dynamic pricing and exciting rewards, making every draw an adventure!

Sonic Odyssey - Ring Lottery Guide
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Join the Sonic Odyssey Ring Lottery to experience the thrill of winning rings, with dynamic pricing and exciting rewards, making every draw an adventure!
At Sonic Odyssey, we are always looking for innovative ways to engage our users and enhance their experience on Sonic. Today, we are thrilled to announce the launch of an exciting new feature: the Ring Lottery. This lottery is designed to encourage more users to participate and enjoy the thrilling world of Sonic Odyssey.

How it Works

The Ring Lottery operates in seasons, with each season featuring different quantities of rings up for grabs. Users can participate in the lottery to win rings, and the process is both simple and exhilarating.
Each draw randomly selects a winning address from one block, and the lucky winner receives 1 ring.

Bonding Curve Mechanics

The price of drawing in the lottery and the number of rings available are governed by a bonding curve. This means that as more rings are drawn, the cost of participating in the lottery increases. It's a dynamic system that ensures a fair and balanced distribution of rewards.

Participation Requirements

To participate, users need to use test tokens (Test SOL).

Special Rewards

We have also prepared additional rewards to make the Ring Lottery even more enticing:
  1. The first winner of each season's first block will receive an extra 100,000 rings.
  1. Every 10,000th winner will receive an additional 10,000 rings.
This means that the more you play, the higher your chances of winning substantial bonuses!

User Flow

Step 1: Go to the Odyssey page and check the rules

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Step 2: Select the number of draws and click confirm

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Step 3: Sign with your wallet and wait for the final results

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Step 4: Confirm the lottery results

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Join the Fun

The Ring Lottery is more than just a game—it's a chance to become an integral part of the Sonic Odyssey community, win fantastic rewards, and experience the thrill of drawing for rings. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity. Join us now and start your journey with the Sonic Odyssey Ring Lottery!
Stay tuned for more updates and happy drawing!

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